[kde-freebsd] Tomahawk Desktop: KDE 4.3.4 greeter crash

Sagara Wijetunga sagara at tomahawk.com.sg
Sat Dec 19 14:04:03 CET 2009

Raphael Kubo da Costa wrote:
> On Friday 18 December 2009 13:25:23 Sagara Wijetunga wrote:
>> Raphael Kubo da Costa wrote:
>>> On Friday 18 December 2009 12:02:49 Sagara Wijetunga wrote:
>>>> When we try to run the KDE, the greeter crashes with the following
>>>> message: kernel: pid 1096 (drkonqi), uid 0: exited on signal 6 (core
>>>> dumped) kdm: :0[1077]: Received unknown or unexpected command -2 from
>>>> greeter kdm: :0[1077]: Abnormal termination of greeter for display :0,
>>>> code 125, signal 0
>>>> Those are the last 3 lines of the /var/log/messages.
>>> Have you tried to debug the core file that's been generated? What if you
>>> try to use KDE without KDM?
>> Hi Raphael
>> Thanks for the reply.
>> 1. Where does it store the core file? Not available such a core file
>> under /var/crash.
> I'm not sure. Check if everything's correctly configured so the core is being 
> generated, and see if it's not in your home directory or the directory where 
> KDM is installed.
>> 2. I have never used KDE without kdm. But for testing purposes I could
>> try. Is there any documentation how to do a simple one?
> You can just call startkde from your .xinitrc. I suggest using "exec startkde 
> 2>&1 | tee ~/.xsession-errors" so you also log the debugging output.
The core file goes to /root, it is Xorg.core .

I entered "exec startkde 2>&1 | tee ~/.xsession-errors" to .xinitrc and 
ran startx,  but it does not create ~/.xsession-errors.

But following errors appear on the console:
dbus-daemon: Rejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="method_call", 
sender=":1.4" (uid=0, pid=1123 comm="/usr/bin/X) 
interface="org.freedesktop.Hal.Manager" member="FindDeviceByCapability" 
error_name="(unset)" requested_reply=0 destination="org.freedesktop.Hal" 
(uid=0 pid=1062 comm="/usr/sbin/hald))

Fatal server error:
Caught signal 11. Server aborting.

waiting for X server to begin accepting connections
giving up

xinit: Software caused connection abort (errorno 53): unable to connect 
to X server
xinit: No such process (errorno 3): Server error.

xauth: (argv):1: bad display name "tds:0" in "remove" command

The X server is xorg-server-1.5.3, Xorg version is 7.4.


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