[kde-freebsd] kstartupconfig4 not found error
Raphael Kubo da Costa
kubito at gmail.com
Thu Dec 10 04:49:55 CET 2009
On Thursday 10 December 2009 01:00:18 Jim wrote:
> When I try to start KDE4 I get the error about "kstartupconfig4" not
> being found (error 3).
> I have kstartupconfig4 in /usr/local/kde4/bin/, but that is not in the
> path. I added it to the path entry in /etc/login.conf (default entry)
> and /etc/profile, but it is still not working.
> When I login and run
> $ echo $PATH
> I get the path in default, without the /usr/local/kde4/bin directories.
> Any idea of how I can fix this?
Perhaps add it to your local shell startup files (.bashrc, .cshrc or
whatever)? They may be overwriting your PATH.
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