[kde-freebsd] Qt compile errors on upgrade to KDE 4.2

Aled Treharne aled.treharne at gmail.com
Wed Apr 29 18:44:38 CEST 2009

Hi folks,

I've been working to move my desktop to KDE 4.2 and I've run into a
problem while compiling kdepim4. The output from the make is at
http://www.thinknuts.net/wp-content/kde42.txt. My suspicion is that
it's due to the wrong version of a package I have installed, but I've
failed to track it down. Any suggestions from anyone?

As for the machine:

walnut# uname -a
FreeBSD walnut.thinkuts.net 7.1-RELEASE-p1 FreeBSD 7.1-RELEASE-p1 #3:
Mon Jan 12 16:13:44 GMT 2009
aledt at walnut.thinknuts.net:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/WALNUT  i386

walnut# pkg_info | grep qt
poppler-qt4-0.8.7   Qt4 bindings to poppler
qt-copy-3.3.8_9     Multiplatform C++ application framework (+ KDE patches)
qt4-assistant-4.4.3 Qt documentation browser
qt4-clucene-4.4.3   QtCLucene full text search library wrapper
qt4-corelib-4.4.3   Qt core library
qt4-dbus-4.4.3      Qt4 bindings for the D-BUS messaging system
qt4-designer-4.4.3  Qt ui editor
qt4-doc-4.4.3       Multiplatform C++ application framework
qt4-gui-4.4.3_2     Qt graphical user interface library
qt4-help-4.4.3      QtHelp module provides QHelpEngine API and is used by Assis
qt4-iconengines-4.4.3 Qt SVG icon engine plugin
qt4-imageformats-4.4.3 Qt imageformat plugins for GIF, JPEG, MNG and SVG
qt4-makeqpf-4.4.3   Qt qtopia font creator
qt4-moc-4.4.3       Qt meta object compiler
qt4-mysql-plugin-4.4.1 Qt MySQL database plugin
qt4-network-4.4.3   Qt network library
qt4-opengl-4.4.3    Qt OpenGL library
qt4-pixeltool-4.4.3 Qt screen magnification utility
qt4-porting-4.4.3   Qt utility to assist with porting Qt3 applications to Qt4
qt4-qdbusviewer-4.4.3 Qt4 D-BUS viewer
qt4-qmake-4.4.3     The build utility of the Qt project
qt4-qt3support-4.4.3 Qt3 compatibility library
qt4-qtestlib-4.4.3  Qt unit testing library
qt4-rcc-4.4.3       Qt resource compiler
qt4-script-4.4.3    Qt script
qt4-sql-4.4.3       Qt SQL library
qt4-sqlite-plugin-4.4.1 Qt SQLite 3.x database plugin
qt4-svg-4.4.3       Qt SVG library
qt4-uic-4.4.3       Qt user interface compiler
qt4-uic3-4.4.3      Qt backwards-compatible user interface compiler
qt4-webkit-4.4.3    Qt4 webkit engine
qt4-xml-4.4.3       Qt XML library
tapioca-qt-0.14.1_4 Framework for VoIP and IP applications
telepathy-qt-0.14.1_3 Framework for VoIP and IP applications


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