[kde-freebsd] kded will not start with hal enabled (3.5.10)

Andy Fawcett andy at athame.co.uk
Tue Sep 9 22:42:59 CEST 2008

On Tuesday 09 September 2008 23:05:48 David Booth wrote:
> I recently installed kde4.1 on a system with kde3.5.10 installed and
> thus enabled dbus and hal to get sound support in kde4.  This had the
> side effect that kded will not start when kde3 is started.  When
> started manually from within a konsole in kde3 kded fails with the
> message
> /libexec/ld-elf.so.1: /usr/local/lib/kde3/kded_mediamanager.so:
> Undefined symbol "_ZN8DiscTypeC1ENS_4TypeE"
> The workaround is to stop hal before starting kde3.  I seem to be
> restart hal after kde3 is running without problems.
> Is this a known issue?

% c++filt _ZN8DiscTypeC1ENS_4TypeE

so it seems that whatever provides that method is not being linked to.

A quick look shows this method is defined in 
kdebase-3.5.10/kioslave/media/mediamanager/linuxcdpolling.cpp and is 
actually empty, but I've no time to debug this further at the moment.

Andy Fawcett                                     | andy at athame.co.uk
                                                 | tap at kde.org
"In an open world without walls and fences,      | tap at lspace.org
  we wouldn't need Windows and Gates."  -- anon  | tap at fruitsalad.org

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