[kde-freebsd] Updated Amarok2 port - version 1.92 (beta 2)

Matt datahead4 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 6 18:07:59 CEST 2008

Hello all.

Attached is an updated Amarok2 port (version 1.92, beta 2).  This
version has been extended from previous work posted here by Kris Moore
and Tobias Stadler.  I've renamed the port "amarok2" in anticipation
of eventually needing to have the KDE3 and KDE4 Amarok ports in the
ports tree concurrently.  The port builds cleanly for me in my
tinderbox and runs well under my KDE 4.1.2 desktop.

I am aware of the following (significant) issues:
- With KDE3/Qt3 installed, the port links to the wrong libraries (I
know at least the Qt libraries link improperly) and while the build
completes, the resulting binary does not run (segfault at startup).
Building in the tinderbox solves this issue for me locally, but that's
obviously not a good "solution".
- The beta 2 release supports only embedded MySQL for its internal
database.  There does not appear to be an embedded MySQL port
available in the tree right now.
- The OPTIONS (at least some of them) don't appear to be detected
correctly.  For example, my tinderbox log shows that libgpod and
loudmouth are not detected by the amarok configure script, despite the
fact that they are installed in the tinderbox build.

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Name: amarok2-1.92_port.tar
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Url : http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kde-freebsd/attachments/20081006/dbe9f226/attachment-0001.tar 

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