[kde-freebsd] [CFT] KDE 4.1.3 Ready for Testing

David Naylor naylor.b.david at gmail.com
Tue Nov 11 21:08:20 CET 2008

On Saturday 08 November 2008 23:03:12 Martin Wilke wrote:
> Hiho,
> A few days ago Max made KDE-4.1.3 ready for FreeBSD,
> We can't commit KDE-4.1.3 to the Ports tree because we
> are still on the ports slush :(. But I'd like to
> invite you to test KDE-4.1.3 from area51.
> Of course feedback is welcome.
> Warning:
> PLEASE use:
> svn co https://kf.athame.co.uk/kde-freebsd/tags/kde_4_1
> to get KDE 4.1.3
> In the next days we start our work with Qt 4.5 and KDE 4.2.
> The official KDE 4.1.3 release notes can be found here.
> http://kde.org/announcements/announce-4.1.3.php
> Thanks,
> - Martin


Thanks for all the hard work.  I've updated the ports and everything went 
well.  No obvious regressions with compiling or during runtime (even with 
running nvidia :-)

I did encounter two problems (both, I think, are related to using tmpfs):
- gpgme: failed to build
- ocaml: failed to install (properly?)

Anyway I think these problems are specific to my system (with tmpfs...).  

As a note about these 'FAQ'.  I find that running the following script solves 
the problem with patches 'showing' through the unionfs:

cd $AREA51
for i in `find . -type d -depth 2`
  rm -rf /usr/ports/$i
mount -t unionfs $AREA51 /usr/ports

Of course this mitigates the reason for using unionfs...

An alternative would be to delete all files that 'show' through unionfs once 
it has been mounted (whiteout I believe it is called).  The following script 
might work but I have never tried it:

cd $AREA51
area51_ports=`find . -type d -depth 2`
mount -t unionfs $AREA51 /usr/ports
cd /usr/ports
for i in $area51_ports
  for j in `find -d $i`
    if [ ! -e $AREA51/$j ]
      rm -rf $AREA51/$j

But then I have no idea on how to undelete the files (if, for example, another 
file is created post- with the same name).  

Thanks again for the good work.


P.S. Anyone getting kde4 working with https and proxying (no auth)?  GMail is 
proving illusive for me :-<
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