[kde-freebsd] FreeBSD-7+KDE+HAL & Automount

Andrew R. Muhametshin andrew at dobrohot.org
Tue Feb 26 15:30:32 CET 2008


In FreeBSD-7-RC2, KDE-3.5.8, hal-0.5.8.XXXX mounts a cd/dvd
automatically, not waiting a choice, which is not right. The problem
is, it mounts and pops up the choice window simultaneously, which
results in a double mount.

While Freebsd-6.3 and KDE-3.5.8 pops up a window where a user can
choose a way to mount, which is righ.

$ uname -rms ; pkg_info -Ex kde-3.5.8 hal-0 dbus-1
FreeBSD 7.0-RC2 i386

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