[kde-freebsd] Suggestion for a KDE4_BRANCH variable

Scot Hetzel swhetzel at gmail.com
Fri Dec 12 07:54:58 CET 2008

I had noticed that when area51 changed from KDE 4.1.3 to KDE 4.2 beta
(4.1.82), that all the */kde*4*/Makefiles needed to have
MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR changed from 'stable' to 'unstable'.

To make changing from stable/unstable versions easier, I changed my
local checkout of area51 to use a KDE4_BRANCH variable which can be
set in Mk/bsd.kde4.mk.

Index: Mk/bsd.kde4.mk
--- Mk/bsd.kde4.mk      (revision 4377)
+++ Mk/bsd.kde4.mk      (working copy)
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@

 KDE4_VERSION=          4.1.85
+KDE4_BRANCH=           unstable

 # KDE4 is installed into its own prefix to not conflict with KDE3

Index: accessibility/kdeaccessibility4/Makefile
--- accessibility/kdeaccessibility4/Makefile    (revision 4377)
+++ accessibility/kdeaccessibility4/Makefile    (working copy)
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 CATEGORIES=    accessibility kde

 MAINTAINER=    kde at FreeBSD.org

Let me know if this change would be accepted, and I can send the patch
for all of the kde*4* ports.


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