[kde-freebsd] Qt 4.4 + clucene + phonon

Adriaan de Groot groot at kde.org
Sun Apr 13 16:09:43 CEST 2008

Out of curiosity, how does the FBSD port for Qt 4.4 (rc1 or qt-copy) deal with 
phonon and clucene? The phonon bundled in Qt is old and source-incompatible 
with the phonon in kdelibs; this is only a problem if the include and link 
flags end up such that the Qt phonon includes and libs are found first. How 
is that worked around?

Second is clucene -- there's a complete bundled copy in there which seems to 
be older than the system clucene. Overwrite before build? It doesn't seem 
possible to disable it.


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