[kde-freebsd] Mounting thumb drive from Konqueor

Steven Friedrich freebsd at insightbb.com
Thu Apr 3 04:39:19 CEST 2008

On the Desktop, there is a System icon.  Opening this icon, reveals icons for 
Home Folder, Remote Places, Storage Media, Trash, and Users Folders.

Open Storage Media.  I have to hit refresh for the icons to show up.

If I right click on the icon for my thumb drive, 2.0G Removable Media, and 
select Mount from the menu, it fails to mount, issuing "Error - kio media 
mounthelper" "org.freedesktop.hal.storage.mount-removable no <-- (action, 

I was able to perform these actions just two weeks ago (maybe three).

Anyone else having this problem?

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