[kde-freebsd] A few notes about the Qt4 ports for porters

Thierry Thomas thierry at FreeBSD.org
Thu Feb 8 23:29:15 CET 2007

Le Lun  5 fév 07 à 21:59:59 +0100, Michael Nottebrock <lofi at freebsd.org>
 écrivait :

> Any other things to watch out for?

It seems that these ports don't install their pkgconfig data in the
right place, and they cannot be used.

I'm upgrading math/freemat, wich uses

QT_COMPONENTS=		gui network opengl

but configure fails:

pkg-config --exists "QtCore QtGui QtOpenGL QtNetwork >= 4.2.0"
gnome-config: not found
gnome-config: not found
gnome-config: not found
gnome-config: not found

Th. Thomas.
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