[kde-freebsd] Out of Office AutoReply: [SPAM] ???????? ??????????? ?? ???????? ?? ???.(495)962 73 24

Corel NoPiracy Corel.NoPiracy at corel.com
Fri Aug 3 22:43:00 CEST 2007

Dear Corel Customer,

Thank-you for contacting Corel's Anti-Piracy Department.

If you are inquiring about general Product Information, have problems with your software, or require Technical Support please contact Corel's Customer Service and Technical Support Departments toll free at 1-800-772-6735 (for North America only) or visit http://www.corel.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=Corel3/Section/Display&sid=1047022946165&gid=1047022946851 (for international Customer Service numbers).

If you have received this auto-reply, we have received your e-mail and therefore you need only send your original message once.  Due to the large volume of piracy e-mails that we receive each day, we kindly ask that you please be patient in awaiting a response.  

Customers and users of pirated software face unnecessary risks. When you provide us with your piracy information, Corel will use that information to try to assist you with your problem; as well as, to educate you about software piracy and to ensure that you purchase legitimate software in the future. 

For more  information you can visit our website at www.corel.com/piracy. 

Once again, thank-you for contacting us.

Best Regards,

Corel's Anti-Piracy Department
nopiracy at corel.com

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