Fwd: SVN is open again for everyone
Johnny Jazeix
jazeix at gmail.com
Lun 1 Juin 11:06:49 BST 2020
pour info, on peut commiter à nouveau !
---------- Forwarded message ---------
De : Luigi Toscano <luigi.toscano at tiscali.it>
Date: lun. 1 juin 2020 à 12:04
Subject: SVN is open again for everyone
To: KDE i18n-doc <kde-i18n-doc at kde.org>
Hi all,
starting from now, svn should be open again for everyone.
Sorry, it took more than expected.
The 4 active branches (trunk/l10n-kf5, branches/stable/l10n-kf5,
branches/stable/l10n-kf5-plasma-lts and even branches/stable/l10n-kde4, as
long as we need to carry kmymoney 4.8) have been converted to the new
The summit branch has been ported as well (trunk/l10n-summit), and
gather/merge seems to work.
Other scripts:
- scripts/autogen.sh should be mostly working. It need a small change, and
doesn't install */data/global (and it's not totally clear to me where they
should land)
- scripts/update_xml seems to be working.
The website is not working yet, the immediate priority is to fix the release
scripts, but it will be fixed.
Please report here any issue, and sorry again.
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