Fwd: klog: Please translate the package klog
Vincent Pinon
vpinon at kde.org
Jeu 11 Oct 20:47:38 BST 2018
Merci / Thanks Christophe !
I would also be interested in HAM (I'm an RF IC engineer) but never took time / met passionate people yet, maybe one day...
Why not taking Klog back into KDE :-)
Have fun!
Le jeudi 11 octobre 2018, 21:40:37 CEST chtof a écrit :
Bonsoir à tous,
Pour information, j'ai déjà traduit ce jour 41 % du fichier Klog. J'ai contacté directement Jaime sur son adresse mail pour ne pas polluer inutilement la liste, l'informer que 41 % du fichier est traduit, qu'un temps supplémentaire sera nécessaire pour traduire le restant et que certaines vérifications seront à réaliser dans l'application.
Good evening everybody,
F.Y.I., I have already translated 41 % ot the KLog file. I have directly contacted Jaime on his email address to not pollute this list, inform that 41 % of the file has been translated and an additional time will be necessary to translate the 59 % remaining translations and also, some checks will be needed using the application in french.
Je conserve donc le contact direct avec Jaime puisqu'il s'agit si j'ai bien compris d'une application qui n'est pas ou pas encore incluse dans le noyau de KDE.
Le jeu. 11 oct. 2018 à 18:55, Jaime Robles <jaime at robles.es> a écrit :
Great Christophe!
Yes, you are right, it seems that you are the one!
Thank you so much for your offer!
Jaime, EA4TV
On 11/10/2018 17:26, Mickaël Sibelle wrote:
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: chtof <chtof62 at gmail.com>
Date: jeu. 11 oct. 2018 à 17:11
Subject: Re: klog: Please translate the package klog
To: Traduction en Francais de KDE <kde-francophone at kde.org>
Hi James,
I think I am the person to do that :-) :
- I am french.
- I am Radio Amateur
- I have already helped to translate (but last time was a long time ago !)
- And I am interested to do that.
I will start the translation with localize tonight. You can write me directly on my email to talk about it.
Le jeu. 11 oct. 2018 à 09:54, Jaime Robles <jaime at robles.es> a écrit :
Good night French translators!
I am writing you because I am looking for some help to translate KLog into French.
KLog is a hamradio logging software, initially created for KDE several years ago although it evolved and is not using kdelibs today.
Anyway, Frenchs represent a big number of the hamradio community and I would be very happy to be able to deliver a French KLog.
As you can see below, KLog is already in 8 languages.
So, I am wondering if any of you would have the time and energy to take the translation and bring KLog into French.
Thank you so much for your help.
Jaime (an ex-KDE-es team coordinator)
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jaime Robles <jaime at robles.es>
Date: vie., 5 oct. 2018 18:42
Subject: klog: Please translate the package klog
To: <debian-i18n at lists.debian.org>
Dear Debian I18N people,
I would like to know if some of you would be interested in translating klog.
I have frozen the messages for the next release.
klog already includes klog_ca.po klog_da.po klog_es.po klog_fi.po klog_hr.po klog_it.po klog_ja.po klog_pl.po.
So do not translate it to these languages (the translators will be contacted separately).
You can find the po files here:
Please send the updated file to me, or submit it as a wishlist bug against klog.
If you have read so far, please find the POT file in attachment.
I am intending to release in about 10 days.
The application site ishttp://www.klog.xyz
Thanks in advance,
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