klog: Please translate the package klog
Jaime Robles
jaime at robles.es
Mer 10 Oct 20:24:10 BST 2018
Good night French translators!
I am writing you because I am looking for some help to translate KLog into
KLog is a hamradio logging software, initially created for KDE several
years ago although it evolved and is not using kdelibs today.
Anyway, Frenchs represent a big number of the hamradio community and I
would be very happy to be able to deliver a French KLog.
As you can see below, KLog is already in 8 languages.
So, I am wondering if any of you would have the time and energy to take the
translation and bring KLog into French.
Thank you so much for your help.
Jaime (an ex-KDE-es team coordinator)
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jaime Robles <jaime at robles.es>
Date: vie., 5 oct. 2018 18:42
Subject: klog: Please translate the package klog
To: <debian-i18n at lists.debian.org>
Dear Debian I18N people,
I would like to know if some of you would be interested in translating klog.
I have frozen the messages for the next release.
klog already includes klog_ca.po klog_da.po klog_es.po klog_fi.po
klog_hr.po klog_it.po klog_ja.po klog_pl.po.
So do not translate it to these languages (the translators will be
contacted separately).
You can find the po files here:
Please send the updated file to me, or submit it as a wishlist bug against
If you have read so far, please find the POT file in attachment.
I am intending to release in about 10 days.
The application site ishttp://www.klog.xyz
Thanks in advance,
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