Fwd: GCompris 0.81, fix version, call for translations

Johnny Jazeix jazeix at gmail.com
Lun 11 Sep 12:34:10 UTC 2017


nous planifions une nouvelle version mineure de GCompris pour dans 10 jours
Le fichier dans summit n'est pas à jour et ne contient pas les nouvelles
chaînes à traduire, est ce un problème de merge/scatter ?

Bonne journée,


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: JAZEIX Johnny <jazeix at gmail.com>
Date: 2017-09-09 18:58 GMT+02:00
Subject: GCompris 0.81, fix version, call for translations
To: KDE i18n-doc <kde-i18n-doc at kde.org>, "gcompris-devel at kde.org" <
gcompris-devel at kde.org>


due to some issues spotted in one of the new activities, we decided to
create a quick fix release for GCompris (version 0.81).

We had to update around 20 strings (most of the cases, it's a missing
article in English so the existing translations should be good but there
are 4 "real" changes) and add one (for the changelog) so we decided to do a
new string freeze for those.

As there are not many, we would like to schedule the release in 2 weeks (22

Is it possible or too soon?

Thank you,

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