Splash screen translation
Olivier Churlaud
olivier at churlaud.com
Jeu 3 Aou 20:45:00 UTC 2017
Thx for your answer. I was expecting something like this : let's see what the French team says :)
Le 3 août 2017 22:29:57 GMT+02:00, Marco Martin <notmart at gmail.com> a écrit :
>On Thursday 03 August 2017 21:00:26 Olivier Churlaud wrote:
>> I've seen on my French version of Plasma that the string "Plasma,
>made by
>> KDE" on the loading screen (after entering your credentials) was
>> in French. I think it's a mistake to translate this, because it just
>> doesn't sound as cool as the english one.
>> Maybe it's just french, or my feeling about it, but I think the "made
>> works very well in English.
>> What do you think?
>> Please add me in copy of your answer, as I'm not anymore in the
>> list.
>iirc my first intention was to make it a non translatable string, but
>understanably several translator teams didn't like it. so probably this
>decision should be done language by language with decision by the
>Marco Martin
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