LibKF6Breeze Icons and KIconLoader

christoph at christoph at
Thu May 23 22:54:36 BST 2024

On 2024-05-23 23:47, Jonathan Riddell wrote:
>> have no such issues, but does for you the current code in KIconThemes
>> and
>> KBreezeIcons work? (e.g. if one doesn't revert but uses the master
>> state)
> No master is equally broken when made into a .deb and equally works
> when compiled manually.

Ok, that is strange, if it really did work in 6.1 but not in 6.2,
there is not a lot of stuff that was done there and is still done now.

But just reverting KIconThemes from 6.2 to 6.1 fixes it?

That would be

Did you turn on


via CMake?

If not my commit can be ignored.

Than it is rather just the


but that is strange, that only should load the resource and set the 
fallback theme.


> Jonathan

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