Frameworks / Plasma/ Gear Release Schedule Plan

Albert Astals Cid aacid at
Mon Sep 4 21:59:22 BST 2023

El dilluns, 4 de setembre de 2023, a les 18:50:45 (CEST), David Edmundson va 
> Following on from the last Akademy we checked where we were with our
> development progress in a meeting and settled on the following plan
> for all 3 major parts:
>  - In KDE Gear master will be open for Qt6 code to land for those
> ready to move. Not all apps need to port.

For the trigger happy among us...

This is a plan/proposal, let's give people at least one week to comment/
disagree on it before making master Qt6-only for Gear apps.

>  - The KDE Gear release will move by 2 months to allow for the extra
> time needed for testing initial Qt6 changes
>  - An Alpha will be made in November  (a soft freeze in Plasma terms)
>  - Betas/RCs will be made throughout December and January (3 releases,
> 3 weeks apart)
>  - Final release of all 3 major parts in sync in February
> Due to the delay of KDE Gear by an additional patch release of 23.08
> will be made.

Or maybe even two if there's bugfixes flowing.


> David Edmundson

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