Breeze and ECM are incompatible for installing icons

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at
Thu Nov 2 14:02:37 GMT 2023

Am Donnerstag, 2. November 2023, 14:51:48 CET schrieb Harald Sitter:
> t.html
> > Each directory contains icons designed for a certain nominal icon size and
> > scale, as described by the index.theme file
> ...
> > list of subdirectories for this theme. For every subdirectory there must
> > be a section in the index.theme file describing that directory.
> Just my 2 cents, but since the specification specifically allows theme
> authors to do whatever, if ECM doesn't support that then ECM appears
> not spec compliant.

ECM though can only know about the actual layout at a given time, and create 
install rules for the build system based on that, which then result in the 
path as used by the package created at the time.

If an icon theme at some point in time decides to change its internal dir 
layout, any 3rd-party icons will suddenly be installed at the wrong place.

ECM needs to know about the internal dir layout -> needs to be able to access 
the actual theme desktop file and extract the info.

Packages need to have dependencies on the internal dir layout. So if an icon 
theme changes in an incompatible way, packages need to be rebuild, to install 
theme icons to the new places.

Time for a public icon theme application-installing-interface version with 
each icon theme? :P

Alternatively icon themes might need to support looking up icons also in some 
specified standard way, next to their custom one... needs people who have fun 
working on specs and ensuring its support by stakeholders :)

Some more 2 cents, from my couch :)

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