kio-extras and the KF5/KF6 period

David Redondo kde at
Wed Jun 21 17:15:31 BST 2023

Am Mittwoch, 21. Juni 2023, 12:31:47 CEST schrieb Ben Cooksley:
> It sounds like we are approaching (or have already hit) a "crossroads"
> where it is time for the Qt 5 codebase to enter a stable release only
> phase, with master becoming Qt 6 exclusive.
> Splitting the code into separate Qt 5 / Qt 6 folders sounds like it will be
> difficult to ensure that all bug fixes are applied equally to both sides.

You are right, that's why in general for Plasma projects the  master branch is 
Qt6 only.
But for some special projects we need to have Qt 5 AND Qt 6 builds in a Plasma 
6 session to support Qt5 apps on Plasma 6  - for example Breeze or plasma-
integration (our QPlatformTheme). Freezing Qt5 at a stable version doesn't 
work quite here as  development happening on master will lead to UX and visual 
divergence compared to the frozen branch.

> Cheers,
> Ben


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