kio-extras and the KF5/KF6 period
Luigi Toscano
luigi.toscano at
Tue Jun 20 14:45:50 BST 2023
Harald Sitter ha scritto:
> On Tue, Jun 20, 2023 at 2:58 PM Luigi Toscano <luigi.toscano at> wrote:
>> David Redondo ha scritto:
>>> Am Mittwoch, 17. Mai 2023, 00:02:18 CEST schrieb Albert Astals Cid:
>>>> kio-extras provides plugins for kio.
>>>> So KF5 applications want a KF5 kio-extras and KF6 applications want a KF6
>>>> kio- extras.
>>>> If we're going to support a period on which we ship both Kf5 and KF6 based
>>>> applications we need to:
>>>> Make sure kf5 and kf6 are coinstallable.
>>>> a) release two tarballs, one for each KF
>>>> b) release one tarball that compiles both for kf5 and kf6
>>>> c) just release the kf6 tarball, stop releasing the kf5 tarball but ask
>>>> distributions to still install it
>>> Harald and I prototyped another solution to build a Qt
>>> 5 and Qt 6 version out of the same repo and employed it on
>>> plasma-integration:
>>> merge_requests/91
>>> This has the advantage of having the code for both versions in
>>> the same place and the Qt5 version being not stuck on some old
>>> version. Also the translations can be shared automatically since
>>> they use the same catalog.
>>> There is one case where Qt uses unversioned targets and one
>>> unversioned ecm variable but cadavidn be easily worked around.
>> This is good for example for phonon, and in the future and in retrospective
>> for stuff like qtcurve, but not much for kio-extras, where the codebases
>> started to diverge.
> I don't quite follow, as you can see it uses two different source
> directories cause the goal was to split qt5 and 6 implementations due
> to impl divergence. So in point of fact divergence is intended and
> possible. We basically have two source directories in the same branch
> and build. We believe a similar technique can be used with repos with
> little divergence just as well as for ones with huge divergence.
The situation of kio-extras is a bit different, as the translations are not
fully shared between the two branches and I'd prefer to keep them separate.
Full blessing for other repositories where the difference is minimal.
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