Splitting KGlobalAccel interface and runtime

David Redondo kde at david-redondo.de
Tue Feb 14 08:17:08 GMT 2023

Am Montag, 13. Februar 2023, 21:05:33 CET schrieb Nicolas Fella:
> It wouldn't automatically solve the coinstallability problem of KF5 and
> KF6, because a kglobalacceld provided by KF5-KGlobalAccel would still
> conflict with a Plasma-provided kglobalacceld, but it's at least
> conceptually less messy since it's clear that the Plasma-provided one
> would be the preferred one to use.

While running both may never work, I would suggest making the KF6 kglobacceld
register a versioned name (i.e. org.kde.kglobalaccel6) instead of 
org.kde.kglobalaccel and have the interface talk to that name to avoid 
autostarting a KF5 kglobalacceld. 

We can also go further and version the whole API http://0pointer.de/blog/
projects/versioning-dbus.html to make changes easier in the future.

> This also means that a KF6-based kglobalacceld must work with a KF5 
interface library

The KF6 one should also register the old name and support the current DBus API
so KF5 applications will not autostart a KF5 kglobalacceld.


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