KF6 meeting notes 2022-01-04

Volker Krause vkrause at kde.org
Tue Jan 4 17:07:45 GMT 2022

https://phabricator.kde.org/T15127 (Qt6 build status update):
- 60+ modules build
- Kate (without plugins) with Breeze style and platform file dialogs mostly 
- Kirigami might not be doable without branching (Button.icon, 
- CI setup in progress
- in some places includes with the framework prefix don't seem to work anymore 
(ie. <KFramework/KBla> vs <KBla>), any idea where those extra include 
directories came from/got lost?

- was launching kwalletmanager via deprecated KService API
- KIO::ApplicationLaunchJob becomes possible after a QtKeyChain migration of 
- QProcess as temporary porting scaffolding is an option, but how to ensure 
this doesn't stay around for KF6?
- make this conditional on KF version < 6.0? needs to fail hard when disabled, 
not silently drop code for the release

- same solution might be applicable here

- KF6 branching is not too far away given the current speed
- so we'll need to discuss whether that already makes sense, or whether there 
are hard KF blockers to sort out first, and whether that's too fast for apps/
Plasma and we need to help those catch up first
- full branching vs. only branch some modules

https://phabricator.kde.org/T14316 - QtKeyChain porting
- David E found a lot of problems for porting
- QtKeyChain doesn't support KWallet's concept of two folders - might be a 
problem limited to Plasma/KF users, applications use their own top-level entry
- use a separator char in the key name for implementing backward compatible 
two-level lookup in KWallet

- "using namespace" in a public header isn't a good idea
- check if typedef aliases are an option for this instead

- ready to be merged

- its KCM module contains generic code used outside of KCM context as well, 
like the GridView
- Because we want to split up KDeclarative, it is probably better placed in 
kirigami-addons, but we finally need to get that into KF and released.
- KCM specific QML files should be moved to KCMUtils

- can be closed

Topics to discuss in a slightly larger scope:
- solution for the QTextCodec problem
- determine hard KF6 blocker tasks
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