D7274: Allow to only build the kauth-policy-gen code generator

Volker Krause noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Mon Feb 14 16:50:28 GMT 2022

vkrause added inline comments.


> kossebau wrote in CMakeLists.txt:91
> This installs KF5AuthTargets.cmake based on the condition, but KF5AuthConfig.cmake still includes the target file unconditionally, so cmake would fail over missing the file when using find_package(KF5Auth).
> So are the cmake files  not used in the case to support here at all, and all of the cmake config handling should be wrapped?

Right, the config files don't need to be installed in this case either. This was done for cross-compilation, nothing on the host system will use KAuth via a CMake config file. We do need the tools targets config file though, but that is separate.

  R283 KAuth


To: vkrause, #frameworks, cordlandwehr, apol
Cc: kossebau, kde-frameworks-devel, apol, LeGast00n, cblack, michaelh, ahmadsamir, ngraham, bruns, vkrause
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