Reminder about KDE_COMPILERSETTINGS_LEVEL (was: Re: Requiring ECM 5.85 makes apps stop compiling)

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at
Mon Feb 14 16:22:36 GMT 2022

Am Montag, 14. Februar 2022, 16:32:57 CET schrieb Albert Astals Cid:
> It introduces code breaking defines, some of them even of questionable
> benefit for an application like QT_NO_KEYWORDS
> I don't understand how such a breaking commit was accepted.
> Who is going to fix all the applications in KDE to build after that?
> Apps that I've tried and failed:
>  * okular
>  * kdenlive
>  * konsole
>  * ktuberling
>  * kgeography
> And i stopped tried because i was getting super sad nothing was compiling.
> What is the suggested solution for this? Because I don't think it makes
> sense to burn hundreds of hours just replacing signal to Q_SIGNAL and
> wrapping all the strings ever in QStringLiteral and QLatin1Char.
> Never require a modern ECM?
> unset those defines again from the application side?
> Something else?

Sorry to see you running into this, seems some time has passed and this 
vanished from people#s memory. Guess we should have send not one, but a few 
reminder emails about the new mechanims introduced at ECM 5.85.0.

TL;DR Please use 
    include(KDECompilerSettings NO_POLICY_SCOPE)

For more details see
as well as

That approach was the best people could come up at the time to allow 
introducing new requirements. 


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