portal drag and drop helpers and where to put them

Harald Sitter sitter at kde.org
Tue Apr 12 10:59:21 BST 2022

On Tue, Apr 12, 2022 at 2:12 AM Aleix Pol <aleixpol at kde.org> wrote:
> Maybe the alternative would be to use the kdbusaddons for this? It
> seems to me like there's no kcoreaddons things being done.

I've thought about that but ultimately concluded kdbusaddons actually
doesn't work for us. The way the technology works is that the sender
and the receiver need to call a helper function to deal with the
portal logic, if we had those helpers in kdbusaddons we'd need to have
optional kdbusaddons dependencies on every drag and drop enabled
application - it'd be super messy.


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