Requiring Qt 5.15 for KDE Frameworks 5?

Fabian Vogt fabian at
Sat Mar 27 15:29:39 GMT 2021


Am Samstag, 27. M?rz 2021, 14:11:38 CET schrieb David Faure:
> On samedi 27 mars 2021 12:51:37 CET Kai Uwe Broulik wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> > 
> > during the ongoing KDE Frameworks 6 sprint we were just contemplating
> > whether we can bump the required Qt dependency for Frameworks 5 to Qt 5.15.
> > 
> > Reason being that Qt 5.15 includes a set of porting aids and
> > forward-compatibility with Qt 6, such as version-less "Qt" rather than
> > "Qt5" CMake target, various QStringView-related features, and so on.
> > 
> > We would like to start working on KDE Frameworks 6 on Qt 6 but still
> > keep Frameworks 5 supported with as little overhead as possible, i.e.
> > not having a gazillion ifdefs or even dedicated branch, which we would
> > likely need, should we have to continue supporting Qt 5.14 in the process.
> > 
> > Are there any objections or concerns or potential release schedule
> > conflicts if we did that?
> While at it, can we also get your feedback on
> * Requiring C++17

Which for GCC means at least g++ 9 in practice due to std::filesystem?

> * Requiring CMake >= 3.16
> Obviously this only matters for distributions that update KF5 every month.

AFAICT it will affect all distros at some point in the future, but those which
update everything in a rolling manner should be fine anyway.

openSUSE Tumbleweed is one of those and so it's not an issue.

On Leap 15.x, the default compiler is GCC 7, so we'll have to switch to GCC9+
for that. That's fortunately fairly simple to do, so not really an issue


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