D17816: Support for xattrs on kio copy/move

Gleb Popov noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Thu Sep 17 05:44:43 BST 2020

arrowd added inline comments.


> bruns wrote in jobtest.cpp:780
> And now you **only** check the source FS, but no longer the destination FS.

To be honest, I was confused by your first comment. What was wrong with the first version of this code?

My understanding was that we want to skip xattr stuff if either source or destination doesn't support it


To: arrowd, dfaure, chinmoyr, bruns, #frameworks, tmarshall, usta, cochise
Cc: usta, scheirle, tmarshall, arrowd, cfeck, bruns, phidrho, dhaumann, funkybomber, abika, pino, davidedmundson, ngraham, atha.kane, spoorun, nicolasfella, kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, cblack, michaelh
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