D29526: Thumbnails: make thumbnail generation dpr-aware

Méven Car noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Tue Sep 8 11:51:19 BST 2020

meven added a comment.

  In D29526#676386 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D29526#676386>, @bruns wrote:
  > For all but text the DPR is completely irrelevant, large at 1 is identical to normal at 2.
  Yes and that's up to thumbnail creators to decide. To take advantage of this, we would need to introduce some ThumbnailCreator type that would say whether or not generated thumbnail might be influenced by DPR (i.e) text. That would necessitate change the ThumbnailCreator API.
  But the implementation will stay a lot simpler if we don't this level of complexity and adding will have a limited interest. Storing twice large at 1 would happen only when a user would change DPR, thumbnails cache size limit will stay enforced.

  R320 KIO Extras


To: meven, #frameworks, dfaure, broulik, sitter, ngraham, bruns
Cc: bruns, kde-frameworks-devel, kfm-devel, waitquietly, azyx, nikolaik, pberestov, iasensio, aprcela, fprice, LeGast00n, cblack, fbampaloukas, alexde, Codezela, feverfew, meven, michaelh, spoorun, navarromorales, firef, ngraham, andrebarros, emmanuelp, rdieter, mikesomov
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