D18878: Force NT1 protocol when listing smb:// network [work in progress]

Nathaniel Graham noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Thu Mar 19 13:40:06 GMT 2020

ngraham requested changes to this revision.
ngraham added a comment.
This revision now requires changes to proceed.

  We now have WS-Discovery support, so I don't think this patch is needed.

  R320 KIO Extras


To: mikhailnov, #dolphin, #frameworks, broulik, ngraham
Cc: sitter, ngraham, acrouthamel, kde-frameworks-devel, kfm-devel, pberestov, iasensio, fprice, LeGast00n, cblack, fbampaloukas, alexde, GB_2, Codezela, feverfew, meven, michaelh, spoorun, navarromorales, firef, andrebarros, bruns, emmanuelp, mikesomov
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