D27463: KconfigXT: Add a value attribute to Enum field choices

Kevin Ottens noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Thu Mar 5 08:54:44 GMT 2020

ervin requested changes to this revision.
ervin added inline comments.
This revision now requires changes to proceed.


> kcoreconfigskeleton.cpp:580
> +{
> +    // TODO KF6 move value to ItemEnum::Choice and remove KCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemEnum::mValues
> +    const auto inHash = mValues.value(name);

Will need an update

> kcoreconfigskeleton.cpp:586
> +/**
> + * Stores a choice value for name
> + */

This comment should go away

> kcoreconfigskeleton.h:788
> +         */
> +        QString valueForChoice(QString name) const;
> +

const QString &name

Probably worth adding a KF6 comment somewhere as well, because your first attempt felt more natural, we're going for this weird construct only for BC concerns.

> kcoreconfigskeleton.h:793
> +         */
> +        void setValueForChoice(QString name, QString valueForChoice);
> +

const ref for the parameters

> kcoreconfigskeleton.h:797
>          QList<Choice> mChoices;
> +        QHash<QString, QString> mValues;
>      };

Nope, can't be here, this still breaks binary compatibility. As I mentioned in my last comment it should be buried all the way into the d-pointer inherited from KConfigSkeletonItem... This is inefficient in term of memory load but it's the only option to keep BC.

> KConfigCommonStructs.h:108
>      Choices choices;
> +    QHash<QString, QString> enumValues;
>      QList<Signal> signalList;

Well, on that side you should have kept the more natural value() method IMO.

> KConfigXmlParser.cpp:193
>      QList<CfgEntry::Choice> chlist;
> +    const QRegularExpression choiceNameRegex = QRegularExpression(QStringLiteral("\\w+"));
> +

nitpick: I'd const auto that one, but it's your call

  R237 KConfig


To: meven, ervin, bport, crossi, #frameworks
Cc: ngraham, davidre, kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, cblack, GB_2, michaelh, bruns
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