Deprecate KRandomSequence ?

Albert Astals Cid aacid at
Tue Jun 30 18:32:05 BST 2020

El dimarts, 30 de juny de 2020, a les 1:21:48 CEST, Aleix Pol va escriure:
> On Mon, Jun 29, 2020 at 10:27 PM Albert Astals Cid <aacid at> wrote:
> >
> > QRandomGenerator is very similar in which you can give it a seed and get randomness out of it.
> >
> > Things that QRandomGenerator doesn't have:
> >  * getBool(); -> should be easy enough to port to bounded(2) == 1
> >  * randomize(QList) -> We could add namespace function in KRandom
> >  * modulate() -> Couldn't find any user, so no worries if we drop it
> >
> > Benefits of deprecation:
> >  * Less manintaince
> >
> > Problems of deprecation:
> >  * Moving from KRadomSequence(FIXED_SEED) to QRandomGenerator(FIXED_SEED) will probably generate a different sequence, so if you need to 100% generate the same sequence for all your app versions (e.g. for a game or something) moving may not be "possible"
> >
> > Ideas? Comments?
> +1 makes sense to me.
> If an application was relying on the random application sequence, it
> probably has bigger problems. 

Why? It's exactly what KRandomSequence (and QRandomGenerator) promise to do.

And at least on KPat this is really useful.

You can directly seed the random generator from the "Create new game" UI, so if there's a bug found in say game 1232145345, you can tell me that and then everyone can reproduce that bug since starting game 1232145345 gives everyone the same random numbers.


> It can always be hardcoded into the
> application too.
> Aleix

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