D25315: KDirModel: implement showing "/" as a root node, optionally

Raphael Rosch noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Fri Feb 28 21:30:21 GMT 2020

rrosch added a comment.

  > Keep only matters for further calls to openUrl, not the first one. It's about whether to *add* or *replace* the currently open URL.
  >  KDirModel takes care of that.
  Ah ok, so it's going to do that without me needing to explicitly specify "Keep"?
  >> I couldn't however get the following to work:
  >>   QModelIndex index = getIndexFromUrl("/home/myuser");
  > Invalid URL, that's a path, not a URL. You need QUrl::fromLocalFile().
  Sorry that was me using shorthand to illustrate the problem, the url in the code is an absolute url stored in a variable with the schema and all the necessary things.
  >> Which should show the node for "/home" as the root, but is instead giving me a flat listing of all the child nodes without "/home" as the root.
  > Oh, hmm, that's not how setRootIndex works (that's a *view* feature, we can't change that).
  >  I changed the model to have one more node for "/", while I see now that what you want is that it *always* shows a root node even when the root is another directory.
  Yeah that was my intent with the above. How come it doesn't work in the view for `file:///home/myuser` but it works for `file:///`?
  In any case, the code here you provided works great for at least `file:///` and that gets us quite far. How much of a rework would getting it to work with subdirectories (like `file:///home/myuser`) take?

  R241 KIO


To: dfaure, stefanocrocco, elvisangelaccio, meven, apol
Cc: rrosch, kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, cblack, GB_2, michaelh, ngraham, bruns
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