Fixing QNetworkAccessManager use
Ben Cooksley
bcooksley at
Thu Feb 20 08:07:14 GMT 2020
On Thu, Feb 20, 2020 at 2:09 AM Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
<kossebau at> wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, 19. Februar 2020, 08:05:01 CET schrieb Ben Cooksley:
> > On Mon, Feb 3, 2020 at 7:42 AM Volker Krause <vkrause at> wrote:
> > > It would also help to know where specifically we have that problem, so we
> > > can actually solve it, and so we can figure out why we failed to fix this
> > > there earlier.
> >
> > Just bringing this up again - it seems we've not had much movement on
> > this aside from the Wiki page.
> The wiki page currently still just recommends to set
> "networkAccessManger->setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::FollowRedirectsAttribute,
> true);"
> Which seems simple, but possible not what is enough in all cases.
> So my open questions here to be able to act on code I contribute to are:
> a) What about the mentioned QNetworkRequest::NoLessSafeRedirectPolicy, in
> which cases should that be used and when not?
For interacting with /, I would advise
against using this policy, as they will in virtually all instances
redirect to mirrors (who don't support https and are http only)
> b) What about the HSTS stuff, when is that recommended?
That should be enabled yes.
> c) What is a sane number for QNetworkRequest::maximumRedirectsAllowed?
5 to 10 redirects is a relatively sane number I would expect. At the
most I would expect our servers to issue a maximum of 3 redirects in a
given chain of URLs.
If it is longer than that then we are doing something wrong.
> Both in general and when it comes to KDE servers.
> Personally I am still unsure what the actual issue is. Why are redirects
> needed at all. Why all the address changes all the time? The "U" in
> "URL"/"URI" is for "uniform", not "unstable", isn't it ;)
Please see my other email regarding this.
> Can you give some examples for URLs of resources our code uses on KDE servers,
> and why they needed to change?
Get Hot New Stuff functionality (Gen 1), originally using a static
file tree under
This needed to change for two reasons:
1) Mandatory HTTPS
2) The benefit of having these files mirrored, considering their
extremely small size and declining client base (KDE 3 and parts of KDE
4) was negligible and creating more load on our systems to support the
mirroring process than we got in terms of benefit of having them
mirrored. We therefore transitioned to serving these through a CDN.
Get Hot New Stuff functionality (Gen 2), originally using a dynamic
web service at and
needed to change for two reasons:
1) Mandatory HTTPS
2) The dynamic web service had not been updated in several years, and
was dependent on a very specific system setup we hadn't been able to
replicate and needed to decomission due to it's age. We therefore
needed to convert it to static files, and arrange for those to be
hosted elsewhere in our systems. now converts the
requests sent to it to redirects to specific static files to keep
applications using it working (which includes KF5 era applications who
still actively use this and in at least one case continue to be
released using this)
Get Hot New Stuff functionality (Gen 3), originally used a file at (now at
This needed to change for two reasons:
1) Mandatory HTTPS
2) It was necessary for non-sysadmins (particularly those involved in
running to be able to update the file directly. As the
server hosting is sensitive and doesn't support
deploying changes from Git when they are committed, we had to move the
file to a different subdomain which could support this.
Marble maps, originally hosted under and
later at and now at,
This need to be moved for couple of reasons:
1) When we transitioned to be a mirror redirector, it
was no longer possible for us to easily host non-mirrored resources
under the same domain (and the maps weren't mirrored), requiring they
be moved to (which as an added benefit also made it
possible for developers to update the maps themselves)
2) Later, it was discovered that Marble performance for loading maps
using after it transitioned to being a mirror redirector
as well was quite poor due to the large number of http requests
involved. We therefore shifted it to a CDN based resource which
eliminated these performance issues, known as
KStars resources, originally hosted under needed to be moved to for the following reasons:
1) Mandatory HTTPS
2) To allow developers to freely update them as needed, something
which isn't possible on (which is restricted due to
it hosting the master copies of tarballs)
There have also been two instances where we have been denied the
ability to redirect due to QNetworkAccessManager, namely:
1) The SDK for Necessitas, built using a predecessor to Qt Installer
Framework (I believe) which does not support redirects (and crashes
when it encounters them)
2) The Monav support within Marble, which unfortunately in some
releases does not support handling redirects
> And if those redirects are permanent, should the client side not also
> permanently update to the new location then, instead of continuing to poke the
> old address every time again and again, until one day it will poke into a void
> because the backward compat redirect support has been dropped?
Clients should be updated yes. Many of them have been fixed in newer
releases, but as noted in an earlier email on this, old software has a
habit of continuing to be used for several years (such as with Marble,
where 4+ year old versions continue to contact us)
> Cheers
> Friedrich
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