Syntax-Highlighter questions

Kåre Särs kare.sars at
Thu Aug 20 19:21:47 BST 2020


On torsdag 20 augusti 2020 kl. 01:02:36 EEST Andreas Müller wrote:
> Hi,
> a while back I needed syntax-highlighting in a QML based application.
> Since I could not find some QML support for syntax-highlighter, I
> wrote a wrapper library [1]. That worked perfectly fine but now that I
> wrote an example (screenshot in [1]) unexpected behaviour pops up. The
> example is different because it can set highlighter's definition and
> theme during runtime which were set once statically in the initial
> application.
> Now my issue/question:
> Highlight definition: Although SyntaxHighlighter::setDefinition calls
> rehighlight(), the content of the text field remains unchanged. By
> changing the size of the window, the new highlighting is drawn. Do you
> have any suggestions what can be done to fix that?
> Hoping for cure :) and thanks in advance,

So the thing is that the text document does not get notified that it needs a redraw... how is 
just adding a 'onDefinitionNameChanged: textArea.append("")'

I tried it and it works, but is that too ugly?

Nice wrapper tho... :)


> Andreas
> [1]

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