KIO on Android Failure

Ahmad Samir a.samirh78 at
Tue Aug 18 13:14:18 BST 2020

On 18/08/2020 13:52, Ben Cooksley wrote:
> Hi all,
> At some point recently functionality was added to KIO which broke the
> build on Android.
> I'm not sure why we're building KIO on Android, but it appears that
> some applications may be using it - and this in turn causes the
> Dependency Build jobs to fail.
> Could someone take a look please?
> Thanks,
> Ben

It looks like it's caused by systemd integration in kprocessrunner; also it seems Q_OS_UNIX includes 
Android systems, so we need to guard it with !defind(Q_OS_ANDROID). Should hopefully be fixed by .

Ahmad Samir

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