D26448: Add KRecentFilesMenu to replace KRecentFileAction

David Faure noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Sat Aug 8 09:59:51 BST 2020

dfaure accepted this revision.
dfaure added a comment.
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.

  A unittest would be useful too, especially if we then refactor the loading to use KIO jobs.
  But after 6 months, let's land this and keep working on it. Are you interested in writing the unittest and/or porting to KIO jobs, or do you need some help?


> krecentfilesmenu.cpp:45
> +        }
> +        const QFontMetrics fontMetrics = QFontMetrics(QFont());
> +

Can be simplified to

  const QFontMetrics fontMetrics(QFont());

But this uses the application font, not this widget's font. The right thing to do would be to pass a QWidget* and use w->fontMetrics() here.



To: nicolasfella, #frameworks, dfaure
Cc: broulik, elvisangelaccio, cfeck, kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, cblack, michaelh, ngraham, bruns
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