D29153: Move handling of untrusted programs to ApplicationLauncherJob.

David Faure noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Sat Apr 25 14:46:17 BST 2020

dfaure added a comment.

  > The question is how that will work in conjunction with KNotificationJobUiDelegate? In principle we could also make it emit a KNotification with buttons
  We would need a KIO::NotificationJobUiDelegate subclass of KNotificationJobUiDelegate in KIOGui, which also implements UntrustedProgramHandlerInterface.
  For KF5, its constructor would register itself using setDefaultUntrustedProgramHandler, and the destructor would use that same method to reset it to nullptr (to avoid leaving a dangling pointer).
  Alternatively it could do just like KIO::JobUiDelegate and register a singleton.
  In KF6, it'll inherit the handler interface and it'll just be autodetected by qobject_cast on the job's delegate (or we could even already do this as the primary way to find the handler, with fallback to checking the singleton --- this is all because I can't change what KIO::JobUiDelegate inherits from).

  R241 KIO


To: dfaure, ahmadsamir, broulik, ngraham, mdlubakowski
Cc: kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, cblack, michaelh, ngraham, bruns
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