D29153: Move handling of untrusted programs to ApplicationLauncherJob.

David Faure noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Sat Apr 25 10:47:01 BST 2020

dfaure added inline comments.


> broulik wrote in untrustedprogramhandlerinterface.h:79
> I was wondering if this should be done async? Nested event loops are quite a problem when QML is involved.

I don't see a nested event loop in makeServiceFileExecutable.

I guess your comment was for the main method, showUntrustedProgramWarning?

Indeed we could make that one async, if I turn this interface into a QObject and add a signal.
Can do.

This kind of turns it into a job, but not really, we don't need this bit to have its own delegate etc.
I think a signal is enough?

> broulik wrote in applicationlauncherjob.cpp:117
> You know I'm not a fan of jobs suddenly blocking on IO :)

You know I'm not a fan of network mounts, exactly for this reason....

In my opinion it's a crazy requirement to say that we are not allowed to use QFile or QFileInfo anywhere anymore, because of network mounts. What's your suggestion? I'm not even aware of an asynchronous (but still portable) equivalent.

  R241 KIO


To: dfaure, ahmadsamir, broulik, ngraham, mdlubakowski
Cc: kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, cblack, michaelh, ngraham, bruns
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