D23815: [KConfig] port away from deprecated methods in Qt 5.14

David Faure noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Tue Sep 17 12:23:58 BST 2019

dfaure added a comment.

  I'm going to adopt a different strategy for Frameworks after all, because:
  - setting this in KDEFrameworksCompilerSettings.cmake would affect much more than frameworks (this stricter set of flags has been adopted by many many applications)
  - setting this in kdesrc-build's kf5-frameworks-build-include for all of frameworks would also affect deprecated modules like kdelibs4support which I'm too lazy to port since they'll disappear
  So what I'm going to do instead is set it in the toplevel CMakeLists.txt of each framework, after writing a script to do that.
  And instead of setting it to 0x060000 (which indeed breaks compilation whenever Qt changes, until 6.0) I'll set it to 5.13 (0x050d00) for now, then 5.14 (0x050e00) once 5.14 is released (not before, they might still deprecate more methods by then), and so on. If I'm the one doing the porting, I might as well trigger the breakage only when I have time to fix it.
  Laurent, I think you should do the same in KDEPIM. If you want others to help, create a phabricator task (like we did with T11553 <https://phabricator.kde.org/T11553>). At least the one doing the porting will have decided to do that, rather than being forced to do it because he's the first one to upgrade Qt :)

  R237 KConfig



To: dfaure, mdawson, arichardson, vkrause
Cc: pino, arojas, mlaurent, kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, GB_2, michaelh, ngraham, bruns
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