D23759: Remove unneeded media icons

Noah Davis noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Fri Sep 6 18:02:43 BST 2019

ndavis added a comment.

  A few things to consider:
  If a user uses an icon theme besides Breeze (e.g., Papirus), but keeps using the Breeze desktop theme, they could see a mix of icons from their icon theme and icons from the desktop theme. This is actually already the case in different places that this patch doesn't affect, but this would make things a little worse in that regard, unless all icons were removed from the desktop theme.
  A more conservative option would be to just add more sizes for the icons in media.svg, but this means we have to maintain the same icons in 2 different repositories. This is also currently the case, but this would make things a little worse in that regard.

  R242 Plasma Framework (Library)


To: ndavis, #vdg, #plasma
Cc: kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, GB_2, michaelh, ngraham, bruns
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