D22375: new class KBusyIndicatorWidget similar to QtQuick's BusyIndicator

René J.V. Bertin noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Thu Oct 3 20:01:10 BST 2019

rjvbb added a comment.

  And my point is that you are doing 720 translations and 360 rotations per cycle, with subsequent smoothing of an image, continuously and with sufficient temporal resolution to get a fluid animation that is completely overkill here. Indicating a busy state (a two-state entity) is not the same as indicating progress and could be done by something like a stoplight changing colour.
  User experience ... do you seriously expect anyone to judge KDE on this sort of thing (that'd be like judging a service provider on the waiting music they stuff down your ears while you're on hold). Maybe among the angry teenager crowd who spend most of their computer time customising the looks of their desktops ... and possibly the designers of the fake interfaces you see in yet another CSI-like series.
  In my book an interface shouldn't get in the way, neither in its use of space nor in terms of required computing resources, and should continue to be responsive even if the system is swamped doing the actual work I gave it t do. FWIW, even Apple have made more and more of the the animations introduced after iOS 6 optional because they killed the actual user experience on all but the latest iDevices (as well as battery life).
  I'm not blaming Q*Animation, and I don't think anything is inherently wrong with it (apart possibly from an apparent lack of control over granularity/temporal resolution). That lack does make it the wrong tool IMHO.
  I'm tinkering with an implementation that follows my idea of storing the calculated rotated icons in a QVector, using the answer to this question (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4665606/rotate-image-in-qt). That should remove the computational overhead after the first animation cycle and give the same wonderful user experience as the current implementation. If it doesn't decrease the CPU overhead then maybe indeed there's a problem with Q*Animation in the Qt version I'm using.

  R236 KWidgetsAddons


To: sitter, cfeck, apol
Cc: rjvbb, ngraham, kossebau, broulik, kde-frameworks-devel, apol, LeGast00n, GB_2, michaelh, bruns
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