HEADS-UP: from now do new deprecations in KF API by *_DEPRECATED_* macros only using upcoming version number

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at kde.org
Wed Nov 6 13:52:10 GMT 2019

Am Mittwoch, 6. November 2019, 14:14:41 CET schrieb David Edmundson:
> I just found a slight issue when using _DEPRECATED_SINCE.
> If one of two overloaded Q_SIGNALS is deprecated, clazy will blindly
> port the signal without an overload as to the compiler only one signal
> exists. This then gives a compilation error at a distro/CI level.
> I don't think anything can be done, but it's worth people being wary of.

Can you give an example? I would like to look closer at it.

So far I would have assumed clazy sees the same API with the same options as 
the compiler would. I.e. any sections with visibility guards 
both. So distro/CI level should not be different here.


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