D21169: Add app icon for the Kirogi Drone control app

Nathaniel Graham noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Mon May 13 18:45:35 BST 2019

ngraham added a comment.

  the icon theme can be considered to be VDG-maintained these days, andI think this passes the visual design test, but also the most important thing is that you as the app author like it!
  However if this is the actual icon you want to ship with the app, do we even need it to be in the breeze-icons framework? If it's the exact same icon, and you're going to ship it in your app's packaging/bundle anyway, I'm wondering what the value is.

  R266 Breeze Icons


To: trickyricky26, hein, #vdg
Cc: ngraham, apol, kde-frameworks-devel, hein, michaelh, bruns
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