D21028: add multiple gestures and a handler class to KWidgetsAddons

Steffen Hartleib noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Wed May 8 10:49:16 BST 2019

steffenh added a comment.

  Hi @apol,
  Thanks for your time to look at my code. I know, I'am not good at this, so if you can point me at my errors I will try to correct this.


> apol wrote in koneandtwofingerswipe.h:36
> Why is this commented out?

Oops this should not be here, it is a left over from gwenview.

> apol wrote in koneandtwofingerswipe.h:50
> If classes are installed and exported they should have a d-pointer.

Ok, I will add a private class for all exported classes.

  R236 KWidgetsAddons


To: steffenh, #frameworks
Cc: apol, nicolasfella, cfeck, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, ngraham, bruns
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