D19517: DocumentPrivate: Add option "Enable Auto Reload" to ModOnHdPrompt

loh tar noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Sun Mar 31 13:36:47 BST 2019

loh.tar added a comment.

  > Could the "view_auto_follow" be implemented in a second review after this is commited?
  I had remove this because it's somehow unhandy. When enabled you can't scroll up an look at some line without to be interrupted on next update. Now it works the smart way.
  > I see there is some unresolved comment about action reuse, but I have no issue with this being commited as-is.
  Only these "Done" button was not klicked by me, but I think it's fixed as suggested by @dhaumann

  R39 KTextEditor


To: loh.tar, #ktexteditor, cullmann
Cc: dhaumann, cullmann, kwrite-devel, kde-frameworks-devel, #ktexteditor, gennad, domson, michaelh, ngraham, bruns, demsking, sars
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