D18826: Rewrite the taglib extractor to use the generic PropertyMap interface

Stefan BrĂ¼ns noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Fri Mar 8 16:56:58 GMT 2019

bruns requested changes to this revision.
bruns added inline comments.
This revision now requires changes to proceed.


> taglibextractor.cpp:364
> +    lstASF = asfTags->attribute("Author");
> +    QStringList authors;
>      for (const auto& attribute : qAsConst(lstASF)) {

This intermediate list is not required, you can directly call result->add() for each attribute in lstASF.

> taglibextractor.cpp:376
>      lstASF = asfTags->attribute("WM/Writer");
> +    QStringList lyricists;
>      for (const auto& attribute : qAsConst(lstASF)) {

This intermediate list is not required, you can directly call `result->add()` for each attribute in lstASF.

> taglibextractor.cpp:392
> +    if (!lstASF.isEmpty()) {
> +        const auto attribute = lstASF.front();
> +        result->add(Property::Publisher, TStringToQString(attribute.toString()).trimmed());

Why only the first element?

  R286 KFileMetaData


To: astippich, ngraham, bruns, mgallien
Cc: smithjd, kde-frameworks-devel, #baloo, gennad, domson, ashaposhnikov, michaelh, astippich, spoorun, ngraham, bruns, abrahams
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