D22836: Fix checking dirs for metainfo.yaml with non-ascii chars with Python 2.7

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Tue Jul 30 19:46:16 BST 2019

kossebau added a comment.

  In D22836#504352 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D22836#504352>, @pino wrote:
  > Or maybe just drop support for Python 2 entirely?
  > - kapidox is rarely used
  > - Python 2 will be EOL in 5 months
  > - distros either switched kapidox to Python 3, or will do it soon
  That as well, as also discussed on irc today.
  Just in case that other scripts on api.kde.org do not work yet with Python3 or no-one has time to test that, this patch might allow to at least get the api.kde.org being updated again, which it was not since April for all the repos covered by kapidox.

  R264 KApiDox


To: kossebau, ochurlaud, bshah
Cc: pino, kde-frameworks-devel, kde-doc-english, LeGast00n, sbergeron, gennad, fbampaloukas, michaelh, ngraham, bruns, skadinna
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