D21002: Remove kde4 migration agent completely

Siddhartha Sahu noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Fri Jul 19 06:21:40 BST 2019

siddharthasahu added a comment.

  Do I have to reset something on my machine after this?
  I'm am running frameworks and plasma from git master, and with this commit, kwalled does not seem to working for me. Kwallet manager starts with a empty window and applications (ssh agent and networkmanager) are unable to get passwords from the wallet and show a manual password prompt.
  Reverting back the last 2 commits fixes the issues.

  R311 KWallet


To: bruns, #frameworks, cfeck, ngraham, aacid
Cc: siddharthasahu, aacid, lbeltrame, kde-frameworks-devel, damjang, LeGast00n, sbergeron, michaelh, ngraham, bruns
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